Turn your speakers up for this one! I've been playing around with the bitmap class and particle effects a lot recently and have been coming up with some interesting often unexpected effects. This is a perfect example of trying to do one thing and creating something completely different. Initially I was trying to create a flocking model using bitmap data. Along the lines of the 1980s computer program boids. I wanted the particles to follow the position of the mouse, but after a slightly flawed line of code, they ran away from the mouse instead. Having played with the spectrumAnalyze function a few days previously I thought it would be interesting to make the particles "run" away from mappings of the spectrum values, instead of the mouse. With 30,000+ particles and a blur filter I made the following. (Sorry if it takes a while to load! - click the image below to load it...)
The potential in flash to create on the fly music visualizers is now bigger than ever. I have seen some fantastic ones floating around on the internet, I just wish the spectrumAnalyze function worked with microphone inputs!!! Maybe next release eh?
here is a slightly different version of the visualizer, see what you think... (For some reason the music doesn't work with this one, don't know why that is.....
This is cool. Any chance you'll share the source? :)
ReplyDeletethank you